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CCTV’s live show of DSIC” through the program of “Watching China from the Ocean”. 18th Oct. DSIC

A grand media live show sponsored by China Media Group, English Global Program Center and CGTN “Watching China from the Ocean”was staged in DSIC, a subsidiary of CSIC on 17th Oct. 2021. The live show was broadcast in both Chinese and English three three client terminals including CGTN, Yangshipin and CCTV News.


Interview with Lin Jiming, the Deputy General Manager of DSIC

The “14th five-year”is a critical period for CSIC to achieve its mission of growing into a world-class ship group after the merger and restructuring, and also an important period for DSIC to launch its plan of marching into a new period. As a backbone shipyard under CSIC, DSIC has been leading the industrial growth and supporting the national defense. It is the mission and duty of a military-oriented enterprise under the central government to serve the national strategy. We will play a leading role and develop emphatically the equipment for ocean defense, vessel and offshore equipment and technical application, and make greater contribution in developing the equipment industry to support the military through technical innovation, focusing our efforts in our main field of business and deepening reform.

This live show lasted for 150min totally.

During the live show, reporters and guests were aboard the vessel. They entered into the bridge and operated the electronic charts to understand the features of the vessel.


Li Xinxin, the Chief Designer of the Design Institute

Reporters familiarized themselves with the filling process of liquefied natural gas on the deck of VLCC. They operated the valves of natural gas. They operated the air winch to move objects. They also asked about the design features and difficulties of this globally first duel-fuel VLCC.


Li Jiming, the Deputy Project Manager

Facing the vast ocean, staff of DSIC introduced to reporters about the long history of DSIC and typical products in different periods.


Liu Hongdong, Clerk of History Office


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