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4 Major Production Nodes for 4 Ships Realized

On July 14, the nodes for 16,000TEU container ships such as sea trial of No.2 ship, No.4 ship undocking, No.6 ship stern half floating at Dalian Shipbuilding Industry Co., Ltd.(DSIC) Headquarter, and sea trial of the first 85,000dwt ice-strengthened bulk carrier at DSIC Shanhaiguan Shipbuilding Industry Corporation (SHGSIC) on July 11, quickly set off production boom.

No.2 16,000TEU container ship


The No.2 16,000TEU container ship was undocked on April 26, 28 days ahead of the company's annual node plan for sea trial. As the second ship of the series, Dockyard 2 and the project team continuously summed up and optimized the construction experience on the basis of the first ship, perfected the construction process and procedure of hatch cover lashing bridge, and made breakthroughs especially in the construction of closed type desulfurization pipe system. All the equipment debugging projects before sea trial were completed ahead of schedule; the integrity of the lashing bridge reached the delivery status; all the cargo hold floor wall painting was completed; the ship's large shore power system was realized for the first time for delivery before sea trial; and all the ballast tanks' strength tests were completed before sea trial, which saved a lot of time for the sea trial.

No.4 16,000TEU container ship


Docking Department 2 and the project team fully summarized the experience of the construction of the previous sequence of ships, and the integrity of the docking was significantly improved. Before leaving the dock, all the test boxes in the cargo hold have been completed; the end of lashing bridge welding and post-testing; the end of all the hatch cover lifting; the end of the cabin floor lighting power supply; the completion of the docking power generation motorized vehicles in advance, the machine all-ship cable pulling and placing completed 90%. The next step, the dock two will be carefully planned, well-organized, make every effort to complete the ship's underwater mooring, debugging and other tasks, in order to create good conditions for the early test voyage.

No.6 16,000TEU container ship


In order to ensure that the floating node is completed ahead of schedule, Docking Department 2 and the project team organized manpower to focus on the difficult construction projects, and all the post-welding inspections of the main hull structure before floating were completed; the inspection of the main engine high-pressure SCR pipe system was completed; the inspection of the bilge water oil-water separator pipe system was completed; the installation of the sinking plaza cavernous tank was completed in the stage of the general group was completed; and the inspection of the cable laying on the transverse wall of the cargo hold was completed. This has bought valuable time for the subsequent construction and laid a solid foundation for the dock construction.

No.26 85,000dwt ice-strengthened bulk carrier


The 85,000dwt ice-strengthened bulk carrier built for GOLDEN OCEAN GROUP LIMITED, the first ship in the ice area, is scheduled to complete the trial in 36 days ahead of schedule. After the launch of the ship, the time of the empty ship tilt test was greatly shortened, and the underwater cycle of the 85,000 tons bulk cargo ship owner was set a new record. The ship completed the hatchway and main deck surface painting, 4 cargo hold storm ballast tank floor painting and other work before the sea trial, greatly improving the integrity of the sea trial and providing favorable conditions for the subsequent ship delivery. In the course of sea trial, bubble blowing test and routine inspection items were carried out in the ballast tank of the ship in the ice area. All the test performance indexes were superior to the technical requirements and were highly recognized by the ship owner.

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